Let's chat about pets and balance. Some of you may have heard me talking about our dog Wilson. Besides being a great companion, I am training him to be comfortable in the office. Most clients love having him around and he senses when someone is upset. He gently sits by their feet and just is.
He has this capacity to just be rather than do- something we humans need to learn. We are very busy doing and spend little, if any time in quiet contemplation which is essential to remaining balanced.
Clients often ask me how I remain balanced. Let me tell you, it's taken a long time to get a handle on that and sometimes, it still slips away from me. Here are some of the things I do and maybe you will get some inspiration. Monday mornings I take Boomer Yoga with Leslie Landry. It's a gentle flow yoga that is geared to people 45 and up.
Throughout the day, I take mini breaks where I do some deep breathing and quiet my inner self.
I listen for sounds and stop the monkey brain.
On the weekend, we go for a hike in the woods, either along the Bruce Trail or the conservation areas.(Crawford Lake is a personal favorite-very spiritual place)
I take courses that expand my professional knowledge and just fun stuff. This weekend I am doing a workshop on vision boards.
Taking Wilson for walks and playing with him is just fun.
Finally, I don't take myself too seriously.
What a great piece of advice: don't take yourself so seriously. You always have such great, easy-to-remember stress relievers. Thanks for posting!