Monday, February 15, 2010

Employee Engagement

Let's chat about keeping staff engaged. Here is an article that I wrote on

“Do I Stay or Do I Go?”-An uncomplicated way to improve morale and increase retention

You have just laid off three employees and the remaining staff are stressed and fearful that they may be next or; they are stressing over how they will manage the increased workload. How do you keep morale up, retain your talent and maintain or improve productivity? Improve your communication. No human relationship, whether it’s a marriage or a corporation, will thrive if the communication breaks down.

I had worked for a pharmaceutical company for five years and we were able to retain our talent and keep morale high.

What was our secret? Why did people stay with our company? The communication was open and encouraged from the President through to the sales reps. Consistent communication diminishes the fear and stress in the work environment and diminishing or reducing stress is key to morale, productivity, and retention.

Quick Tips

1. Learn to communicate effectively. If communication is not your strength, hire an executive coach. Good communicators are taught not born.

2. Listen. Listening is active not passive. Give people the opportunity to share their success stories and their problems.

3. Lead by being positive. Positive leaders instill trust, hope, a sense of worth and competency in their people.

According to Saratoga research Institute, 89% of managers believe employees leave for more money and 88% of employees leave for reasons other than money.

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