We know the facts. We have been studying stress and its effect on physical health since the late 1880’s. So why do we still have such a problem in our work and personal lives.
People do not go for help in a timely fashion-which is normal. We all think we need to figure stuff out on our own without going to therapy.
Stress is part of our lives and at times, it can be good. Our bodies create the stress response when we have happy unexpected surprises. The problem is chronic stress. When we are exposed to constant stress our bodies have a hard time in balancing the increase in cortisol, sugar, amino acids etc. that are racing through our blood stream. As a therapist, I have seen clients who are not even aware that their level of stress is damaging to their bodies and their emotional health. It has been proven that chronic stress can lead to depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and physical illness. I often see people who have tolerated high levels of stress until they can no longer function at home or at work.
According to Canada Safety Council report dated April 2008; mental health claims are the fastest growing category of disability costs in Canada. They account for an estimated 30 to 40 percent of the disability claims recorded by Canada’s major insurers and employers. Three-quarters of employers say mental health issues are the leading cause of short and long term disability claims in their organization.
· Lost work time due to depression costs companies $31 billion to 441 billion per year in lost productivity
· 79% of employers think they take care of their employees, yet only 44% of employees agree
· Health care expenditures are nearly 50% greater for workers who report high levels of stress
I have always found it odd that people see a dentist for a sore tooth, a lawyer for a sore legal problem, a doctor for a sore body part yet when our hearts are sore, we are expected to” tough it out”.
A therapist will give you the skills and education you need to cope with stresses in a positive and constructive manner. Today’s technology makes it easy to get professional advice from home, your mobile device-virtually anywhere.
Don’t wait until you crash and burn. Be proactive and get the advice you need now.
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