‘ Neg Nogs’ – Definition: Negative Noggins –
otherwise known as negative thinkers – often
unwittingly imposing their negative energy on
I am often amazed that people put more energy
into negative thoughts and less into positive
thoughts. Strangely, we believe negative thinking is
more realistic than positive thinking. I see my
clients believing that positive thinking is something
“out there” – almost imaginary or not attainable.
Negative thoughts are the opposite of positive
thoughts. That’s all; nothing more spectacular than
that. We simply exercise our choice by choosing the
negative over the positive. We are often very clear
about what is wrong or negative in our lives, and yet
we struggle to create a more positive outlook.
We all know one or two people who complain about
everything! It is important to surround ourselves
with positive people, places, and events.
“Character is built out of circumstances. From
exactly the same materials, one person builds
palaces while another builds hovels.”- G.H. Lewis
Negative people build hovels. Positive people build
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